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Ashton Hayes in UK-Finland podcast HEL-LO! Climate Calling

4 February 2021: Our project is featured in a new series of podcasts entitled HEL-LO! Climate Calling - a joint British-Finnish podcast that uncovers the world of climate diplomacy. What happens behind the scenes in global climate conferences? What do pub quizzes or Finnish footballer Teemu Pukki have to do with reducing global CO2 emissions?

The Embassy of Finland in London and the British Embassy in Helsinki joined forces to produce a four-part podcast series with episodes focusing on climate diplomacy, climate justice, cities & communities and circular economy. This podcast is your guide to truly understanding COP26, UN’s Climate Change Conference, due to take place in Glasgow in November 2021.

Ashton Hayes Going Carbon Neutral is featured in the fourth and final episode that focuses on how small communities are making a difference to the big picture, with the mayor of the northern town of Ii, Ari Alatossava, and project founder, Garry Charnock.

Click for full details and press release