Starting your own project?

Since we started our carbon neutral journey in 2005 we have been asked to support over 100 other communities across the UK and overseas. Many villages have begun their own climate change initiatives and you will see in our diary of events that we have often provided support by speaking at their opening meetings.

We have also written an overview document which gives you some idea of how we got started and some tips. If you would like to download this document, click here.

In this section you will also find the survey forms we have developed with the help of the University of Chester and other useful elements that might help you to get started.


If you would like some more inspiration about what others can do, you might like to watch the interview with Charles Simon who started the Eden Mills Going Carbon Neutral Project after visiting Ashton Hayes and following our toolkit (under revision). He talks about the project from about half way through the film.

You might also like to follow the community of Nøtterøy that launched its going carbon neutral project, with our help, on 27 October 2009. See this newspaper clip or visit their new website